nicole McCormick
WVEA Vice President
Nicole McCormick is a veteran music educator that resides in Athens, WV with her husband and fellow educator, Dr. John McCormick, and their four children.
Nicole currently serves as the president of the Mercer County Education Association.
Nicole has been a WVEA dues paying member her entire teaching career, and a highly active member for the majority of her time in the classroom.
Serving her local EA as building representative, executive committee member, vice president, co-president, chair of multiple committees, and currently in her second term as president has been her passion over the years.
Nicole has been a multi year elected delegate to WVEA Delegate Assembly, as well as a multi year elected representative to NEA Representative Assembly.
Nicole currently serves on the WVEA PAC steering committee and the WVEA budget committee.
Her passion to fight for West Virginia public education and our profession was reignited during our 2018 historic statewide strike which led to the creation of the WV United Caucus, of which Nicole is a founding and steering committee member.
Nicole believes in our collective power and is campaigning to serve as our WVEA vice president.
Nicole on HBO's Wyatt Cenac's Problem Areas
Nicole speaks to Los Angeles Teachers (UTLA)
Contact Nicole: email-- music.ms.reed [AT] gmail.com