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Jenny Craig

Executive Committee

Jenny has been a proud WVEA member for many years.  She has served as building representative, PAC committee member, and has been the Ohio County Education Association president for the past two years. 


She became local president after helping to organize Ohio County during the 2018 strike.  At the time, she saw a tremendous opportunity to serve her union and make our local even stronger. 

Since becoming president, Jenny has collaborated with other local trade and labor unions and OCEA now attends and contributes to monthly Central Labor Council meetings. 

The solidarity and cooperation that OCEA has with AFT, WVSSPA, and local trade and labor groups has been invaluable. OCEA has worked to raise money and support other unions on strike, worked extremely hard to get seven pro-labor and pro-education candidates elected in 2018, and has raised money for many charities and community organizations.  


Jenny would love to see this type of organizing grow statewide. She wants to see real ground level organizing work being done to support each local.  The power and strength of a union comes from strong members and locals.  


If elected, Jenny would work to make sure each local has the tools, support, and resources needed to assist each member, from school-level issues to administration and board of education-level conflicts. She would also like to help implement better means of communication within WVEA, from updating information, increasing the use of technology, creating a process for increased member engagement, and opportunities for members to attend the many conferences, trainings, committees, and learning opportunities that WVEA and NEA have to offer. Jenny is running for WVEA executive committee because she loves the union and wants to help make it even stronger. 

Contact Jenny: email-- jennycraigocea [AT]

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